The Command Palette is enabled by default, as it is a very useful way to access nearly all the features of Obsidian without having to remember key strokes. Type Ctrl/Cmd+P to activate, then simply type in the name of the command. If a command has a hotkey, it will appear in on the right side.

Custom shorcuts can be added to the Command Palette in Settings => Hotkeys. Click on the * icon to the right of each key listed and type whatever key combination you would like.


Pinned commands

You can set a few pinned commands that will appear at top of the command palette. This lets you choose them without typing anything. It's a good place to put your most frequently used commands.

Pinned commands are managed on the Command palette options screen under Plugin Options. You can add pinned commands by entering the name in the "New pinned command" field. After you pick a command and hit Enter, the command will be added to the list above. You can reorder the list or delete existing pinned commands in the list.

Usage tips

  • To see a list of all commands along with their shortcut, don't type anything into the prompt. The arrow keys will move up and down the list, and Return will activate the command.

  • Search in the command palette is fuzzy, so you can type part of the word to get matches. For example, you can use trm to search for "Toggle read mode".

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